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Query: How to select time and frequencies for which I want data?

On left side, under �the Data View� pane, place your cursor over the �Time� attribute. Thereafter, click on the filter icon, as shown below in yellow.

Setting Up
  1. If applicable, deselect all pre-selected time frequency (-ies) by clicking on None.
  2. Specify the date and time of the desired data retrieval, through the following options:   ·         
  • List: enables selection of dates, higher or lower frequencies, as desired. Selections do not have to be consecutive in nature. Additionally, users are able to use the ‘Exclude’ option to limit the results to only relevant/requested data.  To begin the selection, do the following:
- From the list of time boxes, check the boxes to select the desired time and frequency (-ies). Click on the arrow(s) on the right to select lower frequencies as show below.

  • Formula:  specify the time selection for data to be retrieved via a formula.  To begin the selection, do the following:      
- Select frequency (Years, Quarters, Months, etc.)
- Set up the desired date range by specifying the 'From' through the 'To' dates.

  • Timeline: similar to the ‘List’ option, however, this option allows the selection of consecutive dates only.  To begin the selection, do the following:
- Select frequency (Years, Quarters, Months, etc.)
- Within the Time panel, specify the desired time range by highlighting all of the relevant years within the time panel.

Note: Users may change the data view of the time panel by frequency (Years, Quarters, Months)

Finishing up

Once all desired time frequency(-ies) get selected, click on APPLY and then OK.

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